Finding ways to give back

Autumn is the time of year that sparks feelings of gratitude and giving. What better way to embrace the season than to find ways to give back to people or places that have inspired your life?

How to start

It can be as simple as getting in touch — either in person or online — with any organization you like and asking about opportunities or needs. There are plenty of ways to give back to your community, just choose what works best for you and get started.

What to do

Giving back creates a warm and supportive community where everyone feels valued and cared for. Here are some ideas to explore.


Offer up your time, unique skillset, money, or extra items like clothing and oral care supplies.


Create happiness by taking your pet to a local nursing home or spreading good news to make people smile.


Perform a simple random act of kindness, or take big action by organizing a local charity event or fundraiser.


Look for opportunities to lend a hand like tutoring a child, raking a disabled friend’s leaves, or taking an older neighbor to the dentist.


Shop at local businesses, attend your farmers market, plant trees in community areas, or even pick up litter around your neighborhood.


Put pen to paper and send letters of encouragement to soldiers, college kids, first responders, and nursing home residents.


The rewards of giving back are bountiful. It allows us to grow individually and adjust our point of view, and it’s proven to lower stress and improve our physical and mental health. Ever notice how doing something for someone else bring a smile to both the receiver and the giver?

Here’s what giving back can do for you:

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    Gives a sense of meaning and purpose

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    Makes you and others smile

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    Builds relationships

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    Keeps you active and engaged

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    Boosts self-confidence, self-esteem, and overall satisfaction with life

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    Reduces stress-related issues, including jaw clenching and teeth grinding

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    Improves overall mood

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