Begin boosting your mood today

Catch some rays.

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    Venture outside for a walk. When inside, leave blinds and curtains open and sit near windows.

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    Studies show sunlight can lead to better moods and better sleep.

Strike a yoga pose.

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    Try mixing yoga into your exercise routine to benefit both your mind and body.

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    Yoga helps reduce stress that can cause teeth grinding and clenching, mouth sores and gum disease.

Eat good-mood foods.

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    Add more asparagus, fatty fish, nuts and dark chocolate to your diet.

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    Not only can these foods improve your mood, but the folic acid in asparagus and omega-3 oils in nuts and fatty fish may also help fight gum disease.

Make an upbeat playlist and sing along.

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    Put your favorite songs together so they’re easy to access whenever you need some good vibes. (And dance along for some extra fun!)

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    You probably already knew this, but research proves it — happy music is a mood booster.

Be thankful. 

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    Take time to express appreciation and savor the moment.

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    Showing gratitude is a natural mood booster that leads to greater happiness. 

Connect with others.

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    Spend time with people you truly enjoy being around.

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    Sharing a few laughs with friends and family is relaxing and elevates your mood.


It only takes a few simple changes to spark more smiles. So give these tips a try and start appreciating their mood-boosting benefits now.


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